From idea to innovation: panel discussions on soil management innovations through the lens of EIP Operational Groups
04 December 2024, Budapest, Hungary
Within the Budapest Soil Health Forum of the Agricultural Chapter of the Hungarian EU presidency (05-06/12/2024)
The Soil-X-Change project has initiated a gap-filling dialogue and cooperation between soil management actors to make an impact on European Soil Management through increasing the flow of state-of-art soil management knowledge.
Key actors in this initiative are the EIP Operational Groups, which are dedicated to transforming ideas and innovations for sustainable soil management into technologies and practices that can be implemented on a large scale.
Soil-X-Change collaborates with EIP Operational Groups from nine countries to establish a thematic network that will function as a platform for actors involved in sustainable soil management to meet, exchange knowledge, and identify partners for future collaborations.
Through panel discussions with EIP Operational Groups, the Budapest Soil Health Forum will demonstrate the potential of these applied research projects, whose partners brings together relevant complementary knowledge to enhance/improve soil health.
More details will follow soon!
More details will follow soon!
Soil-X-Change consortia
Event format
Soil-X-Change has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme, Coordination and Support Actions under grant agreement No. 101133914.